Game Design

Game Design

Game Design with Microsoft MakeCode Arcade Term: 1-4 Program Type: Teacher Tech Skill-Up Duration: 90 minutes In this session, teachers will develop programming skills to create quick and easy retro arcade games. Using free online software, Microsoft MakeCode Arcade,...
Medical Biotech Scientific Inquiry

Medical Biotech Scientific Inquiry

Medical Biotech Scientific Inquiry In collaboration with CSL Behring Term: 1-4 Program Type: Immersion Program Duration:  Approx. 8-10 weeks delivered across the term in partner school settings and 1 optional lab-based day at the Tech School. Year Level: 10-12 This...
Introduction to Coding & Microcontrollers

Introduction to Coding & Microcontrollers

Introduction to Coding & Microcontrollers with BBC micro:bit and Microsoft MakeCode editor Term: 1-4 Program Type: Teacher Tech Skill-Up Duration: 90 minutes The micro:bit is a pocket-sized computer that makes coding tangible and promotes digital creativity. It is...
Intermediate Coding & Microcontrollers

Intermediate Coding & Microcontrollers

Intermediate Coding & Microcontrollers with BBC micro:bit, Microsoft MakeCode editor and Grove Inventor Extension Kit Term: 1-4 Program Type: Teacher Tech Skill-Up Duration: 90 minutes Sometimes the built in features of micro:bit just aren’t enough – the Grove...
Introduction to App Design

Introduction to App Design

Introduction to App Design with MIT App Inventor Term: 1-4 Program Type: Teacher Tech Skill-Up Duration: 90 minutes Go from consumer to creator in our Introduction to App Design Online Skill-Up session. In this program, teachers are introduced to the free MIT App...