Whittlesea Tech School Newsletter #2

Whittlesea Tech School Newsletter #2

Our Tech School is really moving! Much of the capital works planning has been realised and we are entering the next phase of development. Program development is one of our next big pieces of work. We will convene our first inquiry focus panel on the 26th July. It will...

Helping Students to Communicate Scientific Concepts

We have been approached by the DET Tech Schools Division to engage in some work developing curriculum for teacher to use regarding Science Literacy. Science Literacy and Science communication are specialist areas that enable students to communicate complex scientific...


Our Chat-both-athon has caused a bit of a stir and if you view our Twitter Feed @WhittleseaTS you will see a bit of excitement! The little film that was created has been very popular and we encourage you to share it!  It really captures some of the key elements of our...
Sod Turning Ceremony

Sod Turning Ceremony

Our sod turning event went off without a hitch and was very positively received.We were fortunate enough to have Hon Lily D’Ambrosio Minister for Energy, Environment and Climate Change, Danielle Green MP and Bronwyn Halfpenny MP in attendance. Melbourne...

Chat Bot Update – Calling For Students!

On Wednesday the 31stMay a small group worked on planning out the Chat Bot project. Over the course of the day Richard and Bec from Microsoft shared some great examples of Chat Bots and where they are used. The emergence of Chat Bots is related to one of the three big...